Turbocharging Your



We are e-commerce experts that provide your business with the edge to succeed.

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The SKU Optics Story

SKU Optics is serialized e-commerce Inventory Management Software (IMS) that helps online retailers track their inventory By IMEI or Serial Number and manage e-commerce listings across multiple channels at scale. Once upon a time, our CEO and Founder, Andreas Leptourgos, owned his own e-commerce brand and was frustrated with the inventory management software systems available for used devices. Every option available in 2010 only catered to new products which were labeled with a UPC and didn’t allow for custom grading. In 2011, he needed to invent something that would allow his business to scale and the SKU Optics Inventory Management System (IMS) was born.

The Cold, Hard Truth

Andreas knew owning and operating an e-commerce business shouldn’t be so hard. Where were the promised glory days of automated selling and passive income? Selling 10-20 items a week wasn’t hard, but what happened when you needed to keep track of 1,000+ items in and out every week on multiple channels at different locations? How could you differentiate between two used phones when most systems were so rigid, they only allowed you to track inventory by category, manufacturer, model, and quantity? At the time, most companies just used spreadsheets, but that didn’t work very well for multi-team collaboration efforts. Simply put, most inventory platforms were not built from the ground up for E-Commerce sellers who dealt with used inventory that needed to be tracked at the Serial Number level. So this is exactly where he started.

Built from the Ground Up, With Top-Down Level Detail

Andreas built the first iteration of SKU Optics to power his own E-Commerce business after there were no suitable options available on the market. While this was a pain point at first, it actually turned into a blessing in disguise because this customized approach allowed his business to thrive where others failed and provided a distinct competitive advantage in the industry. We continue to use this approach for our software today by battle testing all new features in-house against real world applications before they are rolled out and integrating the feature requests our partners ask us to. This keeps SKU Optics dynamic and up to date on all use-cases, which gives your company a step up from the competition.

SKU Optics Simplifies the Complicated

To summarize, our goal is to take complicated problems and offer simple solutions. This helps you streamline and scale your business so when you succeed, we succeed. End of story. Happy scaling!

Our Values

Our values aren’t just empty words and promises hanging on a wall in our offices. These values are the backbone of our Company and we work hard to honor and achieve them each and every day.


Do More With Less

We’ve never taken outside funding so we’ve never had the “luxury” of making bad decisions or spending money on things that don’t matter to our customers. Frugality breeds resourcefulness, fosters self-sufficiency and spurs creativity.


The Customer is King, Employees are Royalty

Our customers are king so we often find solutions by starting with the customer and working backwards. Part of always doing what’s best for our customers is making sure our employees are taken care of. Happy employees do more and are able to go above and beyond to obsess over customers.


Be Kind

The Golden Rule which is paramount to all. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.


Think BIG

If you’re not thinking BIG, you’re not thinking at all. Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy that doesn’t work well when you’re trying to change the world.


Hard Work Beats Talent That Doesn’t Work Hard

The most successful people always have one thing in common - they work hard. There is no substitute for putting the time in to get things right.


‘Good Enough’ Is NOT Good Enough

Status Quo is a No-No and “acceptable” isn’t acceptable. Pushing boundaries and challenging norms that others accept are just part of reaching goals that others think are unreachable.


Keep It Simple: Get It Done

Actions speak louder than words and there is no such thing as “not my job”. Delivering the highest quality results for our customers and continuing to raise the bar in order to keep improving are the driving forces behind moving forward every day.


Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Acknowledge when you’ve done well, but never become too comfortable or complacent. The moment you stop working to improve or become afraid to step out of your comfort zone is the moment you lose it all.





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